I am a Principal Research Engineer at NASA Ames Center's NASA Aeronautics Research Institute. My research interests focus on designing and developing adaptable and resilient autonomous systems to efficiently operate in real-world conditions. I am particularly interested in leveraging AI for challenging aerospace applications.
My current research efforts are focused on developing cutting-edge AI methods (including AI Planning, ML, Multiagent Systems, NLP, Data Processing, and LLMs) to improve the efficiency, adaptability, resilience, and safety of Air Traffic Management and Urban Air Mobility.
Leading Automated Planning efforts contributing to a variety of research projects (commercial and government-funded). Developing AI Planning algorithms and techniques, modelling complex systems.
Working on the TOICA & APROCONE projects aiming to develop an innovative aircraft design environment (with Airbus, GKN, Rolls-Royce, and Cranfield University). Researching and developing innovative Visual Analytics approaches for interactive visualisation and control of complex multidimensional engineering design data. Developing Machine Learning and optimisation methods to automate parts of the aircraft design process, improve accuracy and efficiency of the designs, and support the analysis of the data, as well as handle uncertainties in the models. The developments are being implemented into the Cambridge Advanced Modeller (CAM) using Java and Python programming languages.
Interviewing and testing Computer Science and Engineering student applicants. Selecting top candidates to receive offers from the pool.
Delivering teaching supervisions to university students in a range of subjects: Artificial Intelligence, Engineering Programming, Object-Oriented Programming. Colleges: Christ's, Clare, Corpus Christi, Downing, Homerton, Emmanuel, Selwyn, Murray Edwards, Pembroke.
Delivering lectures, tutorials and practical sessions in Programming Practice & Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Data Structures & Algorithms, Mobile Applications, Development, Elementary Logic, Foundations of Computing, Individual and Group Programming Projects.
Awarded the 2014 Outstanding Teaching Award from King's College London.
Guiding two students throughout the duration of their MSc degree in Computer Science. Helping them with coursework and preparing for exams, as well as advising them on extracurricular activities and job hunting after finishing their courses
Developing a pre-term Java programming course for MSc students: preparing lecture materials and exercises, delivering practical sessions, preparing and marking coursework and exams.
Developing software in Python for web scraping and data processing. Extracting and processing facial features from images. Web design and maintenance.
Primary Project: Space Hopper
Developing Space Hopper, an experiment aiming to improve automated methods for designing complex interplanetary spacecraft trajectories using self-adaptive differential evolution algorithms. Developing an interactive 3D crowdsourcing system to formulate novel heuristic search algorithms based on innate spatio-temporal abilities of human users.
Secondary project: Google Summer of Code Mentor
Supervising a Master’s student extending the functionality of the PaGMO/PyGMO optimisation software making it a distributed system. Analysing, testing and developing Python code, advising and guiding the assigned student, writing reports.
Artificial Intelligence, 2024 (to be presented in the Journal Track of AAAI-25 conference).
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2024
Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024.
International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), 2024.
Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS, 2024.
International Symposium on Combinatorial Search (SoCS), 2024.
International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2023.
Multiagent Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty, AAMAS, 2023.
Most Visionary Paper Award at AAMAS 2023 Workshops.
International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), 2023.
Advances in Cognitive Systems, 2020.
IEEE International Conference on eScience, 2019.
Integrated Execution of Planning and Acting, ICAPS, 2017.
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2016.
Planning in Hybrid Systems, AAAI, 2016.
Acta Futura, issue 9, pp.93-100, 2014.